Will Wetzel for School Board 2023
Will Wetzel is a candidate for DPS 61 School Board in the 2023 Decatur Election and will be on the ballot in Decatur, Illinois.
- DPS 61
Campaign Platform
Written by Reed Sutman on Mar 28, 2023
Will Wetzel wants to center all decisions around student learning; promote accountability & transparency; use volunteer programs, extracurricular activities, afterschool programs, and peace-making initiatives to address violence; send kids to alternate ed programs instead of expelling them; follow the law regarding curriculum, while hiring staff to handle implementation; and focus on reading, math, and writing.
Wetzel is concerned about the school board allegedly violating the Open Meetings Act 19 times in the past two years, and the loss of 6 principals in 18 months. He wants anonymized exit interview data from teachers to see why they're leaving the district, and wants to bring School Board meetings to each of the 18 schools in the district to reach more community members and families. He wants to focus on & fix things within the purview of the school board; set realistic goals for the superintendent; build an inclusive, open, and respectful district; and remain "consistently accessible".
Will is a Global Technology Technical Analyst II at ADM, a precinct committeeperson for the Macon County Democrats, a former Vice Chair of the Macon County Democrats, and an adjunct professor at Richland. He was raised in Decatur, graduated Eisenhower in 2003, attended Richland Community College and Western Illinois University, and returned to Decatur in 2017.
Will Wetzel is endorsed by former School Board candidate Datrice Weathers, Decatur Labor & Trades Assembly, Macon County Democrats, Decatur Education Association, AFSCME, Decatur Federation of Teaching Assistants, DESPA - Decatur Educational Support Personnel Association, and SEIU 73 - Service Employees International Union Local 73.
Policy Positions
- School Violence: Will wants to focus on early intervention by putting together volunteer programs with parents & community members, increasing extracurricular & after-school activities, as well as peace-making programs and restorative justice programs that have worked in places with high violence.
- Student expulsions: He says some kids can't function in a regular ed program, and they should get "consequences for their actions", but "no child should be thrown out on the street," and they should go to alternate education programs instead.
- Black History & LGBTQIA+ Curriculum: "First and foremost, we have to comply with the law," set by the Illinois State Board of Education, and "hire administrators and allow them the latitude to choose a curriculum based on feedback from our teachers, from our teaching professionals, and from the Illinois State Board of Education." He says "we need to focus on ... reading, math, and writing," since "only 70% of our children [are] graduating from high school"
- Promote accountability & transparency; Build up greater transparency and accountability than the law requires
- Take the School Board meetings on the road for the first 18 meetings of his tenure, visiting every School Building in the district, in an effort to reach more families and community members.
- Follow the law, related to FOIA & the Open Meetings Act. Will says the School Board has violated the Open Meetings Act 19 times in the last 2 years.
- Bring stability to the district. Will notes the loss of six principals in the past 18 months and 101 current open teaching positions.
- Get anonymized exit interview data from teachers, to see why teachers are leaving the district
- focus on and fix things within the scope of the board, whether it is pay, time off, admininistrator issues or something else.
- Always put the students first
- Build an inclusive, open, and respectful school district
- Remain "consistently accessible"
- Give the Superintendent realistic goals and the tools required to accomplish those goals
- Ensure the schools are safe for children, teachers, janitors, and other staff.
- Will has concerns about the school budget, with CARES funding coming to an end & a shrinking Decatur population leading to less tax revenue. He says Decatur already has high property taxes and the Board will "need to strike a good balance there."
Statements / Quotes
- Will wants to build on things the district is doing right and "focus on what we can build together," and "build up children and make sure they are successful for life," whether that's in trades, in college, or straight into the workforce.
- He says every decision should start with "What does this do for the students? How does this improve their lives?"
- He says it's important the School Board follows the law, in regard to the Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act, but that is the bare minimum and more should be done for accountability and transparency.
- As far as budgeting goes, he says "There's a lot that I don't know," but that the School Board will trust but verify information provided by the district's Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer.
- "I believe in the power of public education. I believe that we can do better for our students, and everything has to start with student learning and student outcomes."
- He tells the small crowd at Door 4 Brewing Co. that his daughter Ava is "one of the chief reasons I'm running" before getting into his concerns about transparency, accountability, and proper governance.
- "There's a lot of people that will never come to school board meetings, but their opinions are just as valid."
- He said many people get elected then stop showing up in the community. He says he's been showing up for 2 years and that he will continue showing up.
- Will says the board needs to "right our own ship" then "focus on the strengths of our district," find the strategies that consistently work, and hear from those in the classroom. He says building upon that will build a better district and ensure children succeed.
- Will says Decatur needs to "grow its own leadership" and not rely on "some other group of teachers" from a different community to "come in and save Decatur."
Current Roles / Jobs
- Global Technology Technical Analyst II at ADM
- Precinct Committeeperson for Macon County Democrats
- Within the last year, Adjunct Professor for Richland Community College. See his Statement of Economic Interest.
Endorsed By
Datrice Weathers, who was running for 2023 School Board, but withdrew.
Decatur Labor & Trades Assembly
Macon County Democrats. Will is a former Vice Chair of and current Precinct Committeeperson for the Macon County Democrats.
Decatur Education Association (DEA)
AFSCME - American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees
Decatur Federation of Teaching Assistants (DFTA)
- DESPA - Decatur Educational Support Personnel Association
SEIU 73 - Service Employees International Union Local 73
Will says that AFSCME, DEA, and DESPA all organize around Decatur Political Action Committee for Education (DPACE). Will says these are "part of the conglomeration of unions that uses DPACE" to "do all of their political stuff." We confirmed endorsements from Datrice Weathers, Decatur Labor & Trades, Macon County Democrats, and Decatur Education Association. We are awaiting responses from AFSCME, DFTA, DESPA, and SEIU 73 to confirm their endorsements.
Past roles / Jobs
- Former Vice Chair of Macon County Democrats
- "Over the past six years, I have volunteered with several non-profits by providing free IT, non-profit visioning, and grant writing services."
- Volunteer & disaster response coordinator for the McDonough County Chapter of AmeriCorps VISTA/Red Cross
- Executive Director for Genesis Garden, a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating poverty in West Central Illinois
- GT Plant Analyst at Levi, Ray, and Shoup, Inc within the last year, according to his Statement of Economic Interest.
Personal History / Info
- Has a daughter in 2nd grade at Michael E. Baum Elementary School
- Married to his wife Tiffany for 10 years, who is (or was in the last year) a Family Support specialist for the Macon County Health Department, according to Will's Statement of Economic Interest
- Born & Raised in Decatur
- 2003 Eisenhower High School Graduate
- Attended Richland Community College and Western Illinois University
- Returned to Decatur in 2017.
Meet Will Wetzel - His March 6 Facebook Post
Will Wetzel Meet & Greet
School Board Candidate Forum
- Some information was received from Will through direct messages on Facebook.
Statement of Economic Interest.
Read Full Platform
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Will Wetzel wants to center all decisions around student learning; promote accountability & transparency; use volunteer programs, extracurricular activities, afterschool programs, and peace-making initiatives to address violence; send kids to alternate ed programs instead of expelling them; follow the law regarding curriculum, while hiring staff to handle implementation; and focus on reading, math, and writing.
Wetzel is concerned about the school board allegedly violating the Open Meetings Act 19 times in the past two years, and the loss of 6 principals in 18 months. He wants anonymized exit interview data from teachers to see why they're leaving the district, and wants to bring School Board meetings to each of the 18 schools in the district to reach more community members and families. He wants to focus on & fix things within the purview of the school board; set realistic goals for the superintendent; build an inclusive, open, and respectful district; and remain "consistently accessible".
Will is a Global Technology Technical Analyst II at ADM, a precinct committeeperson for the Macon County Democrats, a former Vice Chair of the Macon County Democrats, and an adjunct professor at Richland. He was raised in Decatur, graduated Eisenhower in 2003, attended Richland Community College and Western Illinois University, and returned to Decatur in 2017.
Will Wetzel is endorsed by former School Board candidate Datrice Weathers, Decatur Labor & Trades Assembly, Macon County Democrats, Decatur Education Association, AFSCME, Decatur Federation of Teaching Assistants, DESPA - Decatur Educational Support Personnel Association, and SEIU 73 - Service Employees International Union Local 73.
Policy Positions
- School Violence: Will wants to focus on early intervention by putting together volunteer programs with parents & community members, increasing extracurricular & after-school activities, as well as peace-making programs and restorative justice programs that have worked in places with high violence.
- Student expulsions: He says some kids can't function in a regular ed program, and they should get "consequences for their actions", but "no child should be thrown out on the street," and they should go to alternate education programs instead.
- Black History & LGBTQIA+ Curriculum: "First and foremost, we have to comply with the law," set by the Illinois State Board of Education, and "hire administrators and allow them the latitude to choose a curriculum based on feedback from our teachers, from our teaching professionals, and from the Illinois State Board of Education." He says "we need to focus on ... reading, math, and writing," since "only 70% of our children [are] graduating from high school"
- Promote accountability & transparency; Build up greater transparency and accountability than the law requires
- Take the School Board meetings on the road for the first 18 meetings of his tenure, visiting every School Building in the district, in an effort to reach more families and community members.
- Follow the law, related to FOIA & the Open Meetings Act. Will says the School Board has violated the Open Meetings Act 19 times in the last 2 years.
- Bring stability to the district. Will notes the loss of six principals in the past 18 months and 101 current open teaching positions.
- Get anonymized exit interview data from teachers, to see why teachers are leaving the district
- focus on and fix things within the scope of the board, whether it is pay, time off, admininistrator issues or something else.
- Always put the students first
- Build an inclusive, open, and respectful school district
- Remain "consistently accessible"
- Give the Superintendent realistic goals and the tools required to accomplish those goals
- Ensure the schools are safe for children, teachers, janitors, and other staff.
- Will has concerns about the school budget, with CARES funding coming to an end & a shrinking Decatur population leading to less tax revenue. He says Decatur already has high property taxes and the Board will "need to strike a good balance there."
Statements / Quotes
- Will wants to build on things the district is doing right and "focus on what we can build together," and "build up children and make sure they are successful for life," whether that's in trades, in college, or straight into the workforce.
- He says every decision should start with "What does this do for the students? How does this improve their lives?"
- He says it's important the School Board follows the law, in regard to the Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act, but that is the bare minimum and more should be done for accountability and transparency.
- As far as budgeting goes, he says "There's a lot that I don't know," but that the School Board will trust but verify information provided by the district's Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer.
- "I believe in the power of public education. I believe that we can do better for our students, and everything has to start with student learning and student outcomes."
- He tells the small crowd at Door 4 Brewing Co. that his daughter Ava is "one of the chief reasons I'm running" before getting into his concerns about transparency, accountability, and proper governance.
- "There's a lot of people that will never come to school board meetings, but their opinions are just as valid."
- He said many people get elected then stop showing up in the community. He says he's been showing up for 2 years and that he will continue showing up.
- Will says the board needs to "right our own ship" then "focus on the strengths of our district," find the strategies that consistently work, and hear from those in the classroom. He says building upon that will build a better district and ensure children succeed.
- Will says Decatur needs to "grow its own leadership" and not rely on "some other group of teachers" from a different community to "come in and save Decatur."
Current Roles / Jobs
- Global Technology Technical Analyst II at ADM
- Precinct Committeeperson for Macon County Democrats
- Within the last year, Adjunct Professor for Richland Community College. See his Statement of Economic Interest.
Endorsed By
- Datrice Weathers, who was running for 2023 School Board, but withdrew.
- Decatur Labor & Trades Assembly
- Macon County Democrats. Will is a former Vice Chair of and current Precinct Committeeperson for the Macon County Democrats.
- Decatur Education Association (DEA)
- AFSCME - American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees
- Decatur Federation of Teaching Assistants (DFTA)
- DESPA - Decatur Educational Support Personnel Association
- SEIU 73 - Service Employees International Union Local 73
Will says that AFSCME, DEA, and DESPA all organize around Decatur Political Action Committee for Education (DPACE). Will says these are "part of the conglomeration of unions that uses DPACE" to "do all of their political stuff." We confirmed endorsements from Datrice Weathers, Decatur Labor & Trades, Macon County Democrats, and Decatur Education Association. We are awaiting responses from AFSCME, DFTA, DESPA, and SEIU 73 to confirm their endorsements.
Past roles / Jobs
- Former Vice Chair of Macon County Democrats
- "Over the past six years, I have volunteered with several non-profits by providing free IT, non-profit visioning, and grant writing services."
- Volunteer & disaster response coordinator for the McDonough County Chapter of AmeriCorps VISTA/Red Cross
- Executive Director for Genesis Garden, a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating poverty in West Central Illinois
- GT Plant Analyst at Levi, Ray, and Shoup, Inc within the last year, according to his Statement of Economic Interest.
Personal History / Info
- Has a daughter in 2nd grade at Michael E. Baum Elementary School
- Married to his wife Tiffany for 10 years, who is (or was in the last year) a Family Support specialist for the Macon County Health Department, according to Will's Statement of Economic Interest
- Born & Raised in Decatur
- 2003 Eisenhower High School Graduate
- Attended Richland Community College and Western Illinois University
- Returned to Decatur in 2017.
- Meet Will Wetzel - His March 6 Facebook Post
- Will Wetzel Meet & Greet
- School Board Candidate Forum
- Some information was received from Will through direct messages on Facebook.
- Statement of Economic Interest.
For more, see Will Wetzel's topic page
WAND Interview
WAND Interviewed Will Wetzel. 3 Minute video
Everything starts with student learning...
More in-depth coverage of Will's platform & campaign, covering a Meet & Greet event he hosted.
Video Interview | 5 minutes
Will talks about why he's running and what policy goals and budget goals he has.
What does this do for the students? | Video
4 minute campaign speech, given at a Meet & Greet event.
Podcast Interview | 30 minutes
Will Wetzel was interviewed on Thee Morris Code. 30 minutes
Statement of Economic Interest
Will's Statement of Economic Interest
All Highlights
Fewer Highlights
WAND Interview
WAND Interviewed Will Wetzel. 3 Minute video
Everything starts with student learning...
More in-depth coverage of Will's platform & campaign, covering a Meet & Greet event he hosted.
Video Interview | 5 minutes
Will talks about why he's running and what policy goals and budget goals he has.
What does this do for the students? | Video
4 minute campaign speech, given at a Meet & Greet event.
Podcast Interview | 30 minutes
Will Wetzel was interviewed on Thee Morris Code. 30 minutes
Statement of Economic Interest
Will's Statement of Economic Interest
Will Wetzel
Q/A with Will Wetzel
collapse allOpening Statementsothers' answers
Will Wetzel

Summary: Will Wetzel says "everything has to go back to student learning," which starts with making the schools safe and welcoming for students and staff. His 2nd focus is accountability, saying the School Board needs to follow the law. He claims it has violated the Open Meetings Act 19 times over the last two years. He adds that the School Board needs to be responsive to the community and he pledges to remain active in the community. He is a 2003 Eisenhower High School Graduate and a parent of a 2nd gra
Student achievement gap, demographicsothers' answers
Will Wetzel

Summary: **Will Wetzel** says the district does not have the "consistency that we need to have," citing the loss of six principals in the past 18 months and 101 current open teaching positions. "We are a district in crisis," so he says "[we] have to find that stability," which "starts with the School Board" and board governance. Will says the board need...
How can DPS retain & recruit the best teachers in our region?others' answers
Will Wetzel

Summary: **Will Wetzel** says the board needs anonymized exit interview data from teachers to understand why teachers who have not reached retirement age are leaving. He says they need to focus on and fix things within the scope of the board, whether it is pay, time off, admininistrator issues or something else. Will says Decatur needs to "grow its own l...
School Safety & Expulsionsothers' answers
Will Wetzel

Summary: **Will Wetzel** says "there are so many steps" before "the first punch is thrown," and we need to "focus on making sure that we are intervening early" by putting together volunteer programs with parents & community members, increasing extracurricular & after-school activities, as well as peace-making programs and restorative justice programs "that ...
Black History & LGBTQIA+ Issuesothers' answers
Will Wetzel

Summary: **Will Wetzel** agrees with Jenkins that "first and foremost, we have to comply with the law." Will says the Illinois State Board of Education "sets outlines for curriculum", and it is up to school administration to implement it. He says "our job, as a School Board, is to hire administrators and allow them the latitude to choose a curriculum ba...
How to prepare studentsothers' answers
Will Wetzel

Summary: **Will Wetzel** says "everything has to go back to academics and student learning. We need to be able to prepare our children for the future, and right now, for a lot of our children, we're not." He says it comes back to "what can the board control?" He says the board can support the superintendent, teachers, and other staff to "[make] sure tha...