Misty Fronk for School Board 2023
Misty Fronk is a candidate for Decatur School Board (DPS61) in the 2023 Decatur Election and will be on the ballot in Decatur, Illinois.
- DPS 61
Campaign Platform
Written by Reed Sutman on Mar 07, 2023
Misty Fronk wants to have an open door policy for students, teachers, and parents to express concerns; raise student proficiency rates to 70%; get signed parental consent before teaching children about lgbtq issues or black history "that may be contradictory to their parents beliefs"; says teachers should be well-prepared to teach these topics so their instruction is not misconstrued to be "racist" or "downgrading one part of the history over another part"; and wants to bring back trades like wood shop, auto shop, and home-economics. (The 2023-2024 Curriculum lists several trades, including wood shop, metal-working, electronic principles, auto-repair, as well as 'Home Arts').
Fronk wants to engage the whole community in after-school programs; pull aside potentially disruptive kids and get to the root cause of their issues; "[fight] to make all meetings public record and [offer] information on how to obtain them"; give year-end evaluations to teachers and principals to find "the biggest issues they faced"; get "more teachers in classrooms," to help struggling kids and keep lessons on-track for students who are doing well; and get "back to the basics" of reading, writing, and math.
Misty said in a WAND Interview, that she decided to run after Illinois Family Institute told her at an event that Illinois schools had a graduation rate of 80% in 2019, but only 12% of students were proficient in reading & writing and 6% of students were proficient in math. Illinois Family Institute "encourage[s] parents to remove their children from government schools" according to Kathy Valente, a writer for IFI. IFI also opposes LGBTQ friendly legislation, such as decriminalization of HIV.
Another significant motivator for her to run is her grand-daughter who had a 1st grade reading level while in 4th grade in DPS. Fronk says her granddaughter's reading level significantly improved two years after moving to another state. She says others have "brought problems to the table" but "I do not see any true solutions" being offered.
Misty Fronk is 55 years old, is a certified nurse assistant, and has been in Decatur for about 5 years. She is not endorsed by any organizations we have reviewed. We have reviewed endorsements from Macon County Democrats, Decatur Labor & Trades, Central Illinois PAC, and Decatur Education Association. Macon County Republicans did not endorse any candidates for this election.
- Get student proficiency in math & reading up to 60% or 70%. Proficiency rates in 2019 were 11.3% in English & 8.9% in math, according to SAT tests.
- "give [kids] a voice"
- Sit down with any parents, teachers, or students who have concerns to bring to the School Board.
- Develop volunteer-driven education programs to help students
- get "back to the basics" of reading, writing, and math
- She says she will have "an open-door policy for all who want to speak to me directly"
- She says board memebers should "hold each other accountable before passing the buck on to teachers and parents and so forth," in order to promote transparency.
- "[fight] to make all meetings public record and offering information on how to obtain them."
- Give teachers and principals a year-end evaluation to find "the biggest issues they faced", then let the superintendent evaluate the evalutations & communicate issues to the board.
- She advocates for "more teachers in classrooms," to help struggling kids and keep lessons on-track for students who are doing well.
Current Roles / Jobs
- Certified Nurse Assistant. Her Statement of Economic Interest shows that she received over $7,500 from "Mowequa Health Care" last year.
Endorsed By
Misty Fronk has no endorsements from organizations we've reviewed. We have reviewed endorsements from Macon County Democrats, Decatur Labor & Trades Assembly, Central Illinois PAC, and Decatur Education Association.
Past roles / Jobs
We don't have this history on Misty Fronk.
Personal History / Info
- Fronk has been in Decatur for about 5 years.
- Age 55
Additional Information:
- Student proficiency rates in Decatur Public Schools for 2019 were 11.3% in English and Language Arts, and 8.9% in math, according to SAT Scores.
- She says her primary reason for running is because of student proficiency data provided by Illinois Family Institute, an organization that "encourage[s] parents to remove their children from government schools" according to an IFI article.
- Illinois Family Institute opposes LGBTQ friendly legislation
Statements / Quotes
- "we as citizens of Decatur are failing our children. We're setting them up to fail."
- Her daughter left the state "because of the public school systems here" and her grandkids are "thriving" in their new schools.
- the "6%" student proficiency rate is "pathetic" and that she "feel[s] sorry for the children."
- She thinks if we can get the children to believe they can "be somebody," it will help with "what's going on in the society".
- She said that violence in schools is largely a product of schools failing the kids.
- "I'm not real familiar with what exactly" the current school board is doing well or what existing programs should be expanded.
- Fronk blames low proficiency rates on parents, teachers, and voters for electing school board members that "don't really care that our proficiency levels are this low."
- She's concerned that it's hard to fill out a job application or do common job duties if these skills aren't developed.
- She says kids in single-parent homes can especially struggle because parents are busy working, sometimes caring for other kids, and may unintentionally forget to handle school work.
- She says others have "brought problems to the table" but "I do not see any true solutions" being offered, despite various proposals by all of her opponents.
- She encourages people to attend school board meetings
- "We as a team — and by team I mean our teachers, our principals, our parents and superintendent — need to feel not just comfortable but encouraged to bring issues to our attention"
- "But with even something as simple as an end of year evaluation, we as a school board will have a common ground to begin discussion regardless of our term length, and no one knows more about these issues than our frontline staff."
- She says she's talked to other grandmothers at her job whose families have left Illinois because of the education system. She says taxes are part of why families leave Illinois, but the education system is a big contributor too
- She says our district doesn't need 100% proficiency rates, but at least 60% or 70% to show that we really are educating the students of Decatur. She says she will push for reading, writing, and math proficiency if she is elected.
- She is concerned that her grand-daughter, who read at a 1st grade level while in 4th grade was "being pulled out of classes at the critical time when she needed to learn," due to having an Individualized Education program. She says at the new district, where her daughter & grandaughters moved to, they "push her to be in a classroom with her peers," but they have extra teachers in the classrooms to assist struggling kids. She says the new district's teachers don't "point [struggling kids] out in front of everybody". She talks about an after-school reading lab & math lab that the new district has, run by teachers who volunteer their time.
- She says the whole community needs to get involved, especially with after-school programs like a reading lab, math lab, and english lab. She says this won't take from the school budget as these programs would be volunteer driven, involving parents, older students, and members of the community at large.
- Misty says the district needs to bring back trades like wood shop, auto shop, and home-economics so kids who feel they don't "fit the barrier to qualify with everybody else" will graduate knowing they have a skill and "can be a productive person in society."
- She says "the teachers have to feel like they're safe in their classrooms," in order to teach effectively.
- She says "If the teachers felt safe and [they] felt like the community," the school board, and the super intendent were behind them "they would stay in Decatur and our schools would flourish," since teachers would be able to focus on teaching instead of discipline.
- She says there "will be signs" before violence occurs and she wants to pull children aside to get to the root cause of their feelings & why they're acting out, whether it's struggling with school or "maybe something at home".
- "it's good for everybody to know complete history, whether it be black history or lgbtq," but "if we're going to teach children history that may be contradictory to their parents beliefs, or whatever, the parents should be notified in writing and have to sign something saying that they are okay with you teaching their child that, at that particular time."
- "We have to make sure that when we do teach this, that the teachers are very well prepared, so that they don't misconstrue a child into thinking, you know, anything that they're saying can be taken out of context or racist, because history, yaknow, we wouldn't want a child to think that a teacher is talking about the lgbt community and she's racist because she's talking about that. So we have to make sure that, if we're going to teach that, the teachers are educated on how to present it so it doesn't sound like they're downgrading one part of the history over another part."
- She suggests that there be home economics or wood shop or auto shop classes, "or even have a class of finance or job skills". She suggests a semester where they "do nothing but learn how to apply for a job" or "how to write a resume". She says "not everybody goes to college," and these classes would help prepare those students who don't.
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Misty Fronk wants to have an open door policy for students, teachers, and parents to express concerns; raise student proficiency rates to 70%; get signed parental consent before teaching children about lgbtq issues or black history "that may be contradictory to their parents beliefs"; says teachers should be well-prepared to teach these topics so their instruction is not misconstrued to be "racist" or "downgrading one part of the history over another part"; and wants to bring back trades like wood shop, auto shop, and home-economics. (The 2023-2024 Curriculum lists several trades, including wood shop, metal-working, electronic principles, auto-repair, as well as 'Home Arts').
Fronk wants to engage the whole community in after-school programs; pull aside potentially disruptive kids and get to the root cause of their issues; "[fight] to make all meetings public record and [offer] information on how to obtain them"; give year-end evaluations to teachers and principals to find "the biggest issues they faced"; get "more teachers in classrooms," to help struggling kids and keep lessons on-track for students who are doing well; and get "back to the basics" of reading, writing, and math.
Misty said in a WAND Interview, that she decided to run after Illinois Family Institute told her at an event that Illinois schools had a graduation rate of 80% in 2019, but only 12% of students were proficient in reading & writing and 6% of students were proficient in math. Illinois Family Institute "encourage[s] parents to remove their children from government schools" according to Kathy Valente, a writer for IFI. IFI also opposes LGBTQ friendly legislation, such as decriminalization of HIV.
Another significant motivator for her to run is her grand-daughter who had a 1st grade reading level while in 4th grade in DPS. Fronk says her granddaughter's reading level significantly improved two years after moving to another state. She says others have "brought problems to the table" but "I do not see any true solutions" being offered.
Misty Fronk is 55 years old, is a certified nurse assistant, and has been in Decatur for about 5 years. She is not endorsed by any organizations we have reviewed. We have reviewed endorsements from Macon County Democrats, Decatur Labor & Trades, Central Illinois PAC, and Decatur Education Association. Macon County Republicans did not endorse any candidates for this election.
- Get student proficiency in math & reading up to 60% or 70%. Proficiency rates in 2019 were 11.3% in English & 8.9% in math, according to SAT tests.
- "give [kids] a voice"
- Sit down with any parents, teachers, or students who have concerns to bring to the School Board.
- Develop volunteer-driven education programs to help students
- get "back to the basics" of reading, writing, and math
- She says she will have "an open-door policy for all who want to speak to me directly"
- She says board memebers should "hold each other accountable before passing the buck on to teachers and parents and so forth," in order to promote transparency.
- "[fight] to make all meetings public record and offering information on how to obtain them."
- Give teachers and principals a year-end evaluation to find "the biggest issues they faced", then let the superintendent evaluate the evalutations & communicate issues to the board.
- She advocates for "more teachers in classrooms," to help struggling kids and keep lessons on-track for students who are doing well.
Current Roles / Jobs
- Certified Nurse Assistant. Her Statement of Economic Interest shows that she received over $7,500 from "Mowequa Health Care" last year.
Endorsed By
Misty Fronk has no endorsements from organizations we've reviewed. We have reviewed endorsements from Macon County Democrats, Decatur Labor & Trades Assembly, Central Illinois PAC, and Decatur Education Association.
Past roles / Jobs
We don't have this history on Misty Fronk.
Personal History / Info
- Fronk has been in Decatur for about 5 years.
- Age 55
Additional Information:
- Student proficiency rates in Decatur Public Schools for 2019 were 11.3% in English and Language Arts, and 8.9% in math, according to SAT Scores.
- She says her primary reason for running is because of student proficiency data provided by Illinois Family Institute, an organization that "encourage[s] parents to remove their children from government schools" according to an IFI article.
- Illinois Family Institute opposes LGBTQ friendly legislation
Statements / Quotes
- "we as citizens of Decatur are failing our children. We're setting them up to fail."
- Her daughter left the state "because of the public school systems here" and her grandkids are "thriving" in their new schools.
- the "6%" student proficiency rate is "pathetic" and that she "feel[s] sorry for the children."
- She thinks if we can get the children to believe they can "be somebody," it will help with "what's going on in the society".
- She said that violence in schools is largely a product of schools failing the kids.
- "I'm not real familiar with what exactly" the current school board is doing well or what existing programs should be expanded.
- Fronk blames low proficiency rates on parents, teachers, and voters for electing school board members that "don't really care that our proficiency levels are this low."
- She's concerned that it's hard to fill out a job application or do common job duties if these skills aren't developed.
- She says kids in single-parent homes can especially struggle because parents are busy working, sometimes caring for other kids, and may unintentionally forget to handle school work.
- She says others have "brought problems to the table" but "I do not see any true solutions" being offered, despite various proposals by all of her opponents.
- She encourages people to attend school board meetings
- "We as a team — and by team I mean our teachers, our principals, our parents and superintendent — need to feel not just comfortable but encouraged to bring issues to our attention"
- "But with even something as simple as an end of year evaluation, we as a school board will have a common ground to begin discussion regardless of our term length, and no one knows more about these issues than our frontline staff."
- She says she's talked to other grandmothers at her job whose families have left Illinois because of the education system. She says taxes are part of why families leave Illinois, but the education system is a big contributor too
- She says our district doesn't need 100% proficiency rates, but at least 60% or 70% to show that we really are educating the students of Decatur. She says she will push for reading, writing, and math proficiency if she is elected.
- She is concerned that her grand-daughter, who read at a 1st grade level while in 4th grade was "being pulled out of classes at the critical time when she needed to learn," due to having an Individualized Education program. She says at the new district, where her daughter & grandaughters moved to, they "push her to be in a classroom with her peers," but they have extra teachers in the classrooms to assist struggling kids. She says the new district's teachers don't "point [struggling kids] out in front of everybody". She talks about an after-school reading lab & math lab that the new district has, run by teachers who volunteer their time.
- She says the whole community needs to get involved, especially with after-school programs like a reading lab, math lab, and english lab. She says this won't take from the school budget as these programs would be volunteer driven, involving parents, older students, and members of the community at large.
- Misty says the district needs to bring back trades like wood shop, auto shop, and home-economics so kids who feel they don't "fit the barrier to qualify with everybody else" will graduate knowing they have a skill and "can be a productive person in society."
- She says "the teachers have to feel like they're safe in their classrooms," in order to teach effectively.
- She says "If the teachers felt safe and [they] felt like the community," the school board, and the super intendent were behind them "they would stay in Decatur and our schools would flourish," since teachers would be able to focus on teaching instead of discipline.
- She says there "will be signs" before violence occurs and she wants to pull children aside to get to the root cause of their feelings & why they're acting out, whether it's struggling with school or "maybe something at home".
- "it's good for everybody to know complete history, whether it be black history or lgbtq," but "if we're going to teach children history that may be contradictory to their parents beliefs, or whatever, the parents should be notified in writing and have to sign something saying that they are okay with you teaching their child that, at that particular time."
- "We have to make sure that when we do teach this, that the teachers are very well prepared, so that they don't misconstrue a child into thinking, you know, anything that they're saying can be taken out of context or racist, because history, yaknow, we wouldn't want a child to think that a teacher is talking about the lgbt community and she's racist because she's talking about that. So we have to make sure that, if we're going to teach that, the teachers are educated on how to present it so it doesn't sound like they're downgrading one part of the history over another part."
- She suggests that there be home economics or wood shop or auto shop classes, "or even have a class of finance or job skills". She suggests a semester where they "do nothing but learn how to apply for a job" or "how to write a resume". She says "not everybody goes to college," and these classes would help prepare those students who don't.
For more, see Misty Fronk's topic page
Concerned about Student Proficiency Rates
Misty Fronk is concerned about low student performance in DPS 61 in reading & math.
WAND Interview
WAND Interviewed Misty Fronk. 8 minute video.
Statement of Economic Interest
Misty Fronk's Statement of Economic Interest for her 2023 School Board campaign.
Q/A with Misty Fronk
collapse allOpening Statementsothers' answers
Misty Fronk

Summary: Misty Fronk is focused on reading, writing, and math. She also wants to "be a voice for the children, the parents, and the teachers." She's running because one of her granddaughters had a low reading level, then her daughter moved out of state, and her granddaughter's reading level has since improved. She is concerned that children who don't feel they'll succeed at school will "turn to whatever they think is gonna make them feel better and feel like they're part of a community."
Student achievement gap, demographicsothers' answers
Misty Fronk

Summary: **Misty Fronk** says the whole community needs to get involved, especially with after-school programs like a reading lab, math lab, and english lab. She says this won't take from the school budget as these programs would be volunteer driven, involving parents, older students, and members of the community at large. Misty says the district needs ...
How can DPS retain & recruit the best teachers in our region?others' answers
Misty Fronk

Summary: **Misty Fronk** says "the teachers have to feel like they're safe in their classrooms," in order to teach effectively. She also advocates for "more teachers in classrooms," to help struggling kids and keep lessons on-track for students who are doing well. She says "If the teachers felt safe and [they] felt like the community," the school board, and...
School Safety & Expulsionsothers' answers
Misty Fronk

Summary: **Misty Fronk** says there "will be signs" before any "real violent scene", and agrees with Jacob, saying those signs can be recognized if we get more people into the schools. Then she wants pull those children aside to get to the root cause of their feelings & why they're acting out, whether it's struggling with school or "maybe something at home"...
Black History & LGBTQIA+ Issuesothers' answers
Misty Fronk

Summary: **Misty Fronk** says "it's good for everybody to know complete history, whether it be black history or lgbtq," but "if we're going to teach children history that may be contradictory to their parents beliefs, or whatever, the parents should be notified in writing and have to sign something saying that they are okay with you teaching their child tha...
How to prepare studentsothers' answers
Misty Fronk

Summary: **Misty Fronk** suggests that there be home economics or wood shop or auto shop classes, "or even have a class of finance or job skills". She suggests a semester where they "do nothing but learn how to apply for a job" or "how to write a resume". She says "not everybody goes to college," and these classes would help prepare those students who don't...