Decatur Vote Illinois
Feb 15, 2024: Decatur Vote is Temporarily Closed. See the announcement.

Source: Bill Clevenger's Platform

Posted here . Updated here
Source was collected .


The linked document was Bill Clevenger's response to the following email I sent him. Note that his response was a .docx file, which I converted to pdf.

Hi Bill Clevenger,

I cover local elections and would like to share your photo and platform on your candidate profile at

Could you send me the following information, so I may publish it?

  • A written campaign platform, if you have one.
  • An answer to "Why are you running for Decatur School Board?"
  • An answer to "Do you have any specific policy or budget goals?"
  • A website and/or facebook page
  • A photo of you to display on your candidate profile

Thanks, Reed Sutman

Download Source File

Clevenger dv.pdf

This is a source for Story: Bill Clevenger shared by Reed Sutman