Decatur Vote Illinois
Feb 15, 2024: Decatur Vote is Temporarily Closed. See the announcement.


If you like what we're doing, please consider sponsoring us. This will ensure we continue writing about local elections & local political news.


Benefits are subject to change and exceptions.

  • Patreon, $10 per month for a behind-the-scenes look, audio-only copies of interviews (so you don't have to listen on YouTube), and early access to interview audio.
  • Patreon, $50 per month: Same behind-the-scenes benefit, but you really believe in and want to support it further because you're super cool.
  • To send one-time sponsorship payments of any amount. Contact us to request benefits if you only use this method.

Why Sponsor?

Got other ideas for sponsor benefits? Suggest them

  • To sustain Decatur Vote so we can keep covering local elections for years to come, while keeping our news free for everyone.
  • Behind-the-scenes look at Decatur Vote & give feedback!
  • Keep the site ad-free

Future Benefit Ideas

Please give feedback on these ideas.

  • List sponsors on this page
  • Early access to interview audio & notes
  • List big sponsors at BOTTOM of most pages on this site
  • Sponsor-only polls
  • One-time sponsored questions
  • Sponsor-only Question suggestions for candidates
  • Sponsor-only Feedback portal (vote on features for the site & what stories to do)
  • Weekly Livestream to discuss the business and hear from the community
  • Weekly opinion articles. This site is mostly non-partisan, but I could write opinion pieces behind the pay-wall. I'm iffy about this one, because my opinion pieces would still be news, probably.