Decatur Vote Illinois
Feb 15, 2024: Decatur Vote is Temporarily Closed. See the announcement.

Hannah Wolfe

Story compiled by Reed Sutman.
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No description currently available for this story.

2023 School Board Campaign

Highlights of Hannah Wolfe's 2023 School Board Campaign.

  • Feb 22, 2023

    WAND Interview | 3 minutes

    Read a brief recap of Hannah's Interview or watch the video yourself.

    Learn More

  • Feb 01, 2023

    Podcast Interview | 30 minutes

    Listen to Hannah Wolfe's interview on Thee Morris Code.

    Learn More

  • Dec 28, 2022

    Statement of Economic Interest

    Hannah Wolfe's Statement of Economic Interest for her 2023 School Board Campaign.

    Learn More

Timeline Design created by Overflow & modified by Reed Sutman. Timeline content created by Decatur Vote.


Hannah Wolfe says "I love this community" and that the "School Board is the cornerstone of everything good that happens in this community. We can't succeed without the school succeeding." She's focused on improving the school district's reputation to increase the tax base and ...   See Article

Summary, 03-09-2023


No tidbits have been added to this story...


Hannah Wolfe's Statement of Economic Interest for her 2023 School Board Campaign.   See Source
