Decatur Vote ARCHIVEIllinois
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Sheriff Election | Macon County, IL

Jim Root is the only candidate for Macon County Sheriff. Shannon Gutierrez-Seal (D) was slated, but withdrew. Per Herald & Review, she had taken a Republican ballot in primaries for strategic voting purposes & State Law will not allow her to run on Democratic ballot because of this.

"The Macon County Sheriff’s Office was established in 1829. The first Sheriff, William Warnick, was a personal friend of President Abraham Lincoln.

Today the Sheriff’s Office has 4 divisions, Patrol, Corrections, Court Security, and Records. With over 150 employees, we maintain higher standards to serve the citizens of Macon County."

src: Macon County Website

Candidates for Nov 08, 2022

Current Sheriff

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Uh Oh

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