Decatur Vote ARCHIVEIllinois
This is an archived copy of this web page. Archive created on Dec 07, 2022. The live site is available at

Who do I vote for? Decatur & Macon County, Illinois

Who's running? What policies do you support? What are your values? What policies do the candidates support? Who do you trust to ask for advice? Do you vote on party lines?

You may be politically engaged and already know about the candidates and know who you want to elect. You may vote all Republican, all Democrat, or may prefer third-party candidates where available. You may be new to politics. You may be apathetic. You may be overwhelmed and not have time or energy to research candidates yourself.

The longer you pay attention to politics, the more you'll understand. This can include reading news stories, watching TV reports, attending public meetings, following government social media pages, and more. You're probably not going to be very well-informed the first time you vote. Just try your best and vote anyway.

Who is running?

First, find out which districts you vote for. This depends upon your address.



Get Help from people you trust

  • Ask your friends who are politically engaged who they're voting for & why
  • Group together with a few friends and split up candidate research. Each of you pick one or two offices to research. Take notes. And then get together to discuss.

How to research candidates

Don't try to do everything. Schedule an hour to do some research. If you're not satisfied after that hour, then schedule another hour a few days later. Take notes.

Recommended: Read their profile on

Other Options:

County Board Room

The County Board Room. Two long tables with many chairs. Chairs without tables are in the background.