Decatur Vote ARCHIVEIllinois
This is an archived copy of this web page. Archive created on Dec 07, 2022. The live site is available at
County Board

County Board Election | Macon County, IL

The Macon County Board oversees the county budget, local legislation, the courthouse and several committees. The City of Decatur is governed by the City Council. While the County Board may have some impact on Decatur, it generally does not govern city affairs or residents.

The committees are comprised of County Board members & work in-depth on issues relating to the County Board. Then committees propose items for the full County Board where measures are approved or denied by the full county board. Some board members will serve on multiple committees. Generally no committee has all county board members on it.

The County Board Chair assigns board members to committees and can approve or reject agenda items for the full board meeting. However, the chair can be overridden by a majority vote of the board.

This year, 11 Democrats and 12 Republicans are running for a total of 15 seats. Prior to 2021's redistricting, the County Board had 21 seats and 12 Republicans. Because of the redistricting (which brought us down to 5 districts from 7), all 15 seats are up for election, instead of staggering like usual.

Candidates for Nov 08, 2022

Current County Board

Get involved in local politics by attending public meetings and sharing your concerns! Or email elected officials if public speaking isn't your thing!


Uh Oh

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