Shateveon Goforth for County Board 2022
Shateveon Goforth is a Democrat candidate for County Board District 2 in the 2022 General Election and will be on the ballot in Macon County, Illinois.
- Party: Democrat
- District: 2
Campaign Platform
Written by Reed Sutman on Oct 18, 2022
Shatéveon Goforth is a Democrat candidate for Macon County Board District 2, the SouthEast District of Macon County. She is an active member of IBEW Local Union 51. Her Campaign is on Facebook, though there is very little meaningful information. She states on her campaign page "As a current Public Administration Student and having worked with the public for more than 10 years, I am well equipped to not only represent the people of the community but also lend my knowledge to aid in decision-making that will benefit the community of Macon County as a whole.". There are several articles about her involvement with IBEW in community efforts.
She says she lobbied for legislation that "supports IBEW working families in Illinois". She appears to support the workers rights amendment. She appears to support expanding WIC access to baby formula. She is listed as a Youth Ministry Leader for Life Changer's Church in Decatur, as of July 2020 (possibly earlier).
Goforth shared a facebook post about Roe v Wade being overturned, in which she wrote "Wow. Just wow." I originally wrote that she "appears to support abortion rights", but Goforth asked me to remove this statement. In a brief phone call, Goforth said she doesn't want to make a statement on abortion rights because it is not relevant to the County Board. She did not express a position on abortion rights.
Herald & Review reports in September 2020 that "Shatéveon Goforth is the lead for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 51 RENEW Committee. IBEW Local 51 represents members in communities across the region, including Decatur." When it was established in 2017, Goforth was a member of Local 51's RENEW (Reach out and Engage Next-generation Electrical Workers) committee, which encourages union members to get involved in the community.
IBEW recognizes Gofroth in 2017 as a "Steward for Local 51". Shatéveon attended the 2018 IBEW International Women's Conference in St Paul, MN. IBEW recognizes Goforth in 2019 for arranging a family Easter Egg Hunt in Fairview Park as part of their RENEW committee. In 2022, Shatéveon was elected to the Executive Board of IBEW Local 51, and received an IBEW Scholarship, which awards "$200 per semester credit hour"
Sponsors can view the research notes for Shatéveon.
Attending a Labor Day Parade in 2019, Herald & Review reports '"It is important to show the children why the holiday is important,” said Shatéveon Goforth. “We are celebrating all of the hard workers in our community."'
Shatéveon Goforth was born February 20, 1990. She is married to Kaleb Goforth since 2010, has 1 daughter and 3 sons. She started a personal blog in 2019 and last posted in April of 2020, where she has written about her Christian faith and her life, including dealing with PostPartum Depression, where she writes "If you are currently struggling with depression, I encourage you to reach out to your doctor." On her personal facebook, she publicly posts about community events, available jobs, her family, travel, and food, mostly.
She has a few past court cases. In 2010, she had one traffic case. In 2013, she had two traffic cases that were heard by the same judge at the same time. In 2016, she had a small claims case for "Tort-Dmg" between $500 and $2500 brought by Midwest Credit & Collection Inc. In 2018, the City of Decatur brought forward a case for "Miscallaneous Remedy - Administrative Review". In 2019, she had one traffic case.
In 2017, the City of Decatur brought a case for "Miscellaneous Remedy - Demolition" against Shatéveon Goforth, Kaleb Goforth, and 2 other defendants. The last hearing was June 29th, 2022 with Judge Hubbard. There were several hearings in 2018 with Judge Webber. Her defense attorney is Hugh Rowden. There were no hearings in 2019 or 2020.
On July 19th, 2022, I emailed friendsofshateveongoforth@gmail.com asking for an interview and never received a reply. On August 30th, 2022, I messaged Shatéveon Goforth For Macon County Board on Facebook offering a questionnare. I sent the questionnaire, got the reply "Ok, great. Thanks", but as of today, October 18, 2022, the questionnaire has not been filled out.
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Shatéveon Goforth is a Democrat candidate for Macon County Board District 2, the SouthEast District of Macon County. She is an active member of IBEW Local Union 51. Her Campaign is on Facebook, though there is very little meaningful information. She states on her campaign page "As a current Public Administration Student and having worked with the public for more than 10 years, I am well equipped to not only represent the people of the community but also lend my knowledge to aid in decision-making that will benefit the community of Macon County as a whole.". There are several articles about her involvement with IBEW in community efforts.
She says she lobbied for legislation that "supports IBEW working families in Illinois". She appears to support the workers rights amendment. She appears to support expanding WIC access to baby formula. She is listed as a Youth Ministry Leader for Life Changer's Church in Decatur, as of July 2020 (possibly earlier).
Goforth shared a facebook post about Roe v Wade being overturned, in which she wrote "Wow. Just wow." I originally wrote that she "appears to support abortion rights", but Goforth asked me to remove this statement. In a brief phone call, Goforth said she doesn't want to make a statement on abortion rights because it is not relevant to the County Board. She did not express a position on abortion rights.
Herald & Review reports in September 2020 that "Shatéveon Goforth is the lead for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 51 RENEW Committee. IBEW Local 51 represents members in communities across the region, including Decatur." When it was established in 2017, Goforth was a member of Local 51's RENEW (Reach out and Engage Next-generation Electrical Workers) committee, which encourages union members to get involved in the community.
IBEW recognizes Gofroth in 2017 as a "Steward for Local 51". Shatéveon attended the 2018 IBEW International Women's Conference in St Paul, MN. IBEW recognizes Goforth in 2019 for arranging a family Easter Egg Hunt in Fairview Park as part of their RENEW committee. In 2022, Shatéveon was elected to the Executive Board of IBEW Local 51, and received an IBEW Scholarship, which awards "$200 per semester credit hour"
Sponsors can view the research notes for Shatéveon.
Attending a Labor Day Parade in 2019, Herald & Review reports '"It is important to show the children why the holiday is important,” said Shatéveon Goforth. “We are celebrating all of the hard workers in our community."'
Shatéveon Goforth was born February 20, 1990. She is married to Kaleb Goforth since 2010, has 1 daughter and 3 sons. She started a personal blog in 2019 and last posted in April of 2020, where she has written about her Christian faith and her life, including dealing with PostPartum Depression, where she writes "If you are currently struggling with depression, I encourage you to reach out to your doctor." On her personal facebook, she publicly posts about community events, available jobs, her family, travel, and food, mostly.
She has a few past court cases. In 2010, she had one traffic case. In 2013, she had two traffic cases that were heard by the same judge at the same time. In 2016, she had a small claims case for "Tort-Dmg" between $500 and $2500 brought by Midwest Credit & Collection Inc. In 2018, the City of Decatur brought forward a case for "Miscallaneous Remedy - Administrative Review". In 2019, she had one traffic case.
In 2017, the City of Decatur brought a case for "Miscellaneous Remedy - Demolition" against Shatéveon Goforth, Kaleb Goforth, and 2 other defendants. The last hearing was June 29th, 2022 with Judge Hubbard. There were several hearings in 2018 with Judge Webber. Her defense attorney is Hugh Rowden. There were no hearings in 2019 or 2020.
On July 19th, 2022, I emailed friendsofshateveongoforth@gmail.com asking for an interview and never received a reply. On August 30th, 2022, I messaged Shatéveon Goforth For Macon County Board on Facebook offering a questionnare. I sent the questionnaire, got the reply "Ok, great. Thanks", but as of today, October 18, 2022, the questionnaire has not been filled out.