Where Do I Vote? Decatur & Macon County, Illinois
Vote early or by mail at the County Building. Find your polling place to vote on November 8th.
Make sure you are registered and know how to vote. You can register at the time of voting with two forms of ID.
See Voter Information for more information.
Election Day, November 8th
You MUST vote at your polling place when voting in-person on election day.
- Recommended: Look up your polling place
- List of Polling Places or view as pdf
Early Voting, September 29th - November 7th
Macon County BuildingRoom 119
141 South Main Street
Decatur, Illinois
Vote By Mail, September 29th - November 8th
Get Your Ballot:
- Request a ballot online
- Mail in a request for your ballot (pdf download): Must be received at the Clerk's Office by November 3rd. See the form for the County Clerk's address.
Deliver Your Ballot:
- Follow the instructions that come with your ballot. If you have questions, call the County at 217-424-1333 or see the State's Vote by Mail FAQ
- Deliver to the secure drop-box at the South East corner of 141 S Main St (on Wood Street)
- Mail to the County Building at 141 S Main St, room 119, using three stamps
- Deliver in person to the County Building at 141 S Main St, room 119
Early Voting Office in the County Building