How do I vote? Decatur & Macon County, Illinois
To vote you register, research the candidates and ballot measures, decide who to vote for, and then submit your ballot.
See Voter Information for more information.
- Register to vote
- Decide your votes
- Get your ballot
- Fill in your ballot
- Deliver your ballot
- Be registered to vote at your current address. Update your registration if you have moved, even to a different apartment in the same building.
- Be a United States Citizen.
- Be 18 on or before November 8th.
- Live in your election precinct at least 30 days prior to Election Day.
- Not be in prison.
- Not claim the right to vote anywhere else.
1.) Register To Vote | Update Your Registration
First, check am I registered to vote?
If you have questions, contact the County Clerk's office at 217-424-1333.
- Register Online before October 24th (IL Driver's License or State ID Required)
- Register by Mail (pdf download), postmarked on or before October 11th.
- Register in person with two forms of ID (state id + utility bill or bank statement):
- The County Clerk's Office at 141 South Main Street, Room 104 before November 8th.
- The DMV at 3149 N. Woodford before October 11th.
- With a Precinct Committeeperson or a Deputy Registrar before October 11th.
- At your polling place on November 8th. Don't wait to register
2.) Decide Who You're Voting For
- View the Sample Ballot (view as pdf)
- Decide who to vote for
- Decide 'Yes' or 'No' on the Illinois Constitituional Amendment that guarantees workers the right to collective bargaining.
- Hickory Point: Decide 'Yes' or 'No' to allow a 0.40% property tax levy to fund an ambulance service
- South Wheatland Township: Decide 'Yes' or 'No' on continuing prohibition of retail alcohol sales. 'Yes' means "Continue Prohibition". 'No' means 'Do not prohibit alcohol sales'.
3.) Get Your Ballot
- In Person Voting
- The County Clerk's Office at 141 South Main Street, Room 104 before November 8th, during early voting hours.
- Your Polling Place on November 8th
- Mail in Voting
- Request a ballot online
- Mail in a request for your ballot (pdf download): Must be received at the Clerk's Office by November 3rd. See the form for the County Clerk's address.
4.) Fill in Your Ballot
- For County Board, choose up to three from your district.
- For every other office, choose one.
- Fill in bubbles completely with black pen.
- ALWAYS flip your ballot over to ensure you voted for everything.
5.) Deliver Your Ballot
- Voting In Person: Follow the instructions of the election judge. You'll put your ballot into the machine.
- Voting by mail:
- Follow the instructions that come with your ballot. If you have questions, call the County at 217-424-1333 or see the State's Vote by Mail FAQ
- Deliver to the secure drop-box at the South East corner of 141 S Main St (on Wood Street)
- Mail to the County Building at 141 S Main St, room 119, using three stamps
- Deliver in person to the County Building at 141 S Main St, room 119
Early Voting Office in the County Building
If you vote early or hand-deliver your ballot, this is the room you'll go to.