Decatur Vote ARCHIVEIllinois
This is an archived copy of this web page. Archive created on Apr 11, 2023. The live site is available at
Eliminate County Auditor Referendum

Eliminate County Auditor Referendum Election | Macon County, IL

There will be a question on the ballot to eliminate the County Auditor's office.

The ballot question will read "Shall Macon County eliminate the office of County Auditor, effective December 1, 2024?"

You will vote YES to ELIMINATE the office

or NO to keep the office

If the office is eliminated, it is likely the staff will be kept and the elected position will be replaced by a financial expert hired by the County Board.

For more information read Do we need a County Auditor?

Note about the website

Please forgive how ugly this page is. This page was designed for 'offices' and the website doesn't have a feature for ballot measures, aside from voting for candidates for office. This will be improved in a future update.

Candidates for Apr 04, 2023

Current Eliminate County Auditor Referendum

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