Decatur Vote ARCHIVEIllinois
This is an archived copy of this web page. Archive created on Apr 11, 2023. The live site is available at


News, mostly about Decatur & Macon County Illinois. Primarily covering local elections, public policy, and politics. Some state or national news may be covered. Some non-politics news may be covered.


Collections of articles & sources organized into topics.


Typical reporting, capturing a story at a particular point in time.


Corrections, redactions, and updates about other stories.


Documents, links, and evidence to support other writing on this site.

Recent Articles

Typical reporting, capturing a story at a particular point in time.

Will Wetzel shared his endorsements and listed AFSCME. I contacted AFSCME Local 31 to ask about their candidate endorsements, and was told they did not endorse any Decatur candidates. I asked Will Wetzel which AFSCME endorsed him and if he could provide proof, and he said "AFSCME 73 I do bel...   See Article

Original Report, 04-11-2023

The City of Decatur and Illinois Department of Transportation hosted a community forum on March 30th for Decaturites to learn about and make suggestions for planned changes to U.S. 51 North and South. I attended the event as an interested citizen, not as a reporter. I am sharing what I learned, t...   See Article

Opinion, 04-06-2023

I contacted Josh Tanner on April 5th, with some questions about the results. He replied at 4:44pm the same day. Also, see Election Results According to Josh Tanner, write-in votes (for Richland Trustees Marcy Rood and Tony Albertina) "must be hand counted and will not be available officially...   See Article

Original Report, 04-06-2023

City Council and School Board elections are over, but results could change because over 1500 mail-in-ballots were outstanding at noon on election day. Ballots must be postmarked by April 4th & received at the County Building by April 18th. Leading Candidates, as of April 5th These results may...   See Article

Summary, 04-05-2023