Decatur Vote ARCHIVEIllinois
This is an archived copy of this web page. Archive created on Apr 11, 2023. The live site is available at


Corrections, redactions, and updates about other stories.

The photo of the streets is from Open Street Map, a free & opensource mapping utility.   See Tidbit


I added the Q/A with Josh Tanner, and sources.   See Tidbit


The title of the source initially was 'Endorsements from Decatur Education Association, SEUI 73, Decatur Federation of Teaching Assistants for 2023'. This was a mistake. DFTA was not part of this post, but DESPA was.   See Tidbit


I previously wrote that there are only three candidates for Richland Trustee, so no real competition, but later learned there is a 2nd write-in candidate, meaning there are four candidates in total. The entire paragraph was removed.   See Tidbit


After talking with Jalynn on the phone, I wrote up the first draft of this article. I sent the draft to her, and she responded with a couple corrections, and a couple additions. I then made some minor edits and added links. Changes made by Jalynn: The entire paragraph about DSCC I wrote "Ja...   See Tidbit


Early Voting Hours were added, along with the office address & the photo of the early voting hours. The page was bare, prior to today.   See Tidbit


Updated the description to say that Datrice withdrew from the 2023 school board race.   See Tidbit


The MCHD News Release, about the CFO, was added. Also, a note was removed, which said I had sent an email to mchd & was awaiting response.   See Tidbit


I made a few minor changes to the article, added related links, and a couple minor corrections to dates & times.   See Tidbit


I originally reported the name of the reporter who had resigned. They requested that I remove the article & we compromised on redacting their name. They didn't want future job prospects harmed, and I wanted WAND to be held accountable for their treatment of an employee. I had also reported th...   See Tidbit


I originally wrote that Gina says "They have drug searches every day." The full quote was "They have drug searches every day when my sons were in school. Dog searches. The cars. Everything." and she continues. See the video at 4 minutes 50 seconds for context. The quote starts...   See Tidbit


The article 'Sheriff Jim Root vows not to enforce new gun legislation' was originally posted on January 13th at but was later moved to o...   See Tidbit


I previously wrote that early voting begins January 19th, but this was a mistake. January 19th would have been the early voting for consolidated primaries. I misread when reviewing the 2023 Election Calendar,   See Tidbit


I've made major updates to the website! The home page has been re-organized, the ugly bar at the bottom is removed, and most exciting is the new 'Stories' feature! You can see the screenshot above showing a timeline of highlights regarding the 2023 Election. Those 'Story' pages are a collection o...   See Tidbit
