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Correction: Drug searches were years ago

Created . Updated

I originally wrote that Gina says "They have drug searches every day." The full quote was "They have drug searches every day when my sons were in school. Dog searches. The cars. Everything." and she continues.

See the video at 4 minutes 50 seconds for context. The quote starts at about 5m04s.

I misunderstood what Gina was saying.

I sent a FOIA request to the Maroa Forsyth School District for drug searches so far during the 2022-2023 school year and was told there have been none. I asked Gina about this via email, and she responded "You miss quoted me - My statement was that during the time my children attended MFS, there were such drug searches."

I edited the quote in the article to read "They [had] drug searches every day when my sons were in school".

This is a correction of Article: Gina Taylor wants black and brown kids to attend Maroa Forsyth by Reed Sutman