Decatur Vote ARCHIVEIllinois
This is an archived copy of this web page. Archive created on Apr 11, 2023. The live site is available at

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Why should I sponsor Decatur Vote?

Decatur Vote is run independently and does not display ads. Sponsorships helps us continue sharing candidate information and other local journalism.

Do I get benefits for sponsorship?

You get to feel awesome. There is some sponsor-only content on Patreon, but we plan to make sponsor-only content available to everyone in the interest of accessibility, so no. We may add benefits in the future.

Will you add [feature] to the website?

Request a feature by contacting us (links above), and we just might add it. Major updates will be done after the April 4th election. Minor updates may be done any time.

2023 Election

When is the 2023 Election?

April 4th, 2023

Why isn't [candidate] on here?

We only cover candidates throughout Macon County. Before February 1: It's a work in progress. After February 1: Oops. Can you please let us know who we're missing?

How many City Council candidates do I vote for?

Three. You also vote for Mayor.

How many School Board candidates do I vote for?

Three or four depending on district. Decatur, Central A&M, Mt Pulaski, Okaw Valley, and Sangamon Valley are three. Clinton, Mt Zion, Argenta Oreana, Cerro Gordo, Maroa Forsyth, Meridian, and Warrensburg are four.

2022 Election

When was the 2022 Election?

Nov 8, 2022. Primaries were June 28, 2022

How many County Board candidates do I vote for?

Three. Each voter votes in one County Board District and votes for up to three County Board Members. You can vote for less than three if you prefer.