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2023 Election Results Q/A

Original Report written by Reed Sutman on . Updated .

I contacted Josh Tanner on April 5th, with some questions about the results. He replied at 4:44pm the same day. Also, see Election Results

According to Josh Tanner, write-in votes (for Richland Trustees Marcy Rood and Tony Albertina) "must be hand counted and will not be available officially until April 18, 2023".

He says the City Council has 1,655 outstanding mail-in-ballots, DPS61 has 1,446 outstanding ballots, and the Auditor Question has 2,542 outstanding ballots.

5,180 ballots were mailed in 2022 & 555 were not returned. Tanner advised me to call late on Monday to see how many have been received, suggesting that ballots are unlikely to come back if not received in the first week.

I asked how many votes were cast for candidates who withdrew from the DPS61 race, Datrice Weathers and Jalynn Walker, and Tanner did not provide that information. He said he will "check with the state to see if those need to be reported at the final canvass."

Full Q/A

Here are my questions and Tanner's answers.

  1. Are there any results available for Richland trustee write-in candidates?

    No, those must be hand counted and will not be available officially until April 18, 2023.

  2. How many outstanding mail-in-ballots are there for city council, for school board, for the county auditor proposition, and for Richland trustees?

    City Council 1,655 DPS 61 1,446 Auditor Question 2,542

  3. Do you have an estimate of how many mail-in-ballots might be returned?

    No. If you call late on Monday I can tell you how many have come back. If they don't come back in the first week they probably aren’t coming back.

  4. In 2022, how many mail-in-ballots were sent out & how many were returned?

    5180 Sent out 555 not returned

  5. How many votes did Datrice Weathers & Jalynn Walker receive?

    Those numbers were suppressed online because they withdrew. I will check with the state to see if those need to be reported at the final canvass.


This is an article about the topic 2023 Consolidated Municipal Election.