Decatur Labor & Trades Assembly AFL-CIO supports the following candidates for the 2023 Decatur Election:
Julie Moore-Wolfe for Mayor. Wolfe is the only option for Mayor.
City Council Endorsements (vote for UP TO 3)
- Karl Coleman for City Council
- Dennis Cooper for City Council
- Lisa Gregory for City Council
School Board Endorsements (vote for UP TO 3)
- Jacob Jenkins for School Board
- Will Wetzel for School Board
- Hannah Wolfe for School Board
- Bill Clevenger for School Board
Who chose the candidates?
I asked Decatur Labor:
How were these endorsements chosen & how many people were part of the decision?
They responded:
Decatur Trades & Labor Assembly chose their endorsements based on answers given by candidates on questions that are important to working families. The endorsement requires a 2/3 majority vote from the delegates present at the endorsement meeting. The central labor council is made up of 31 local unions who represent 13,000 union members and retirees in the Macon County area. Each union was given the opportunity to vote on the candidates.
What was considered when endorsing candidates?
I asked Decatur Labor:
Do you have written reasons why these candidates were endorsed?
They Responded:
The endorsed candidates were considered union-friendly if they answered questions in accordance with the beliefs of working families. These questions included issues such as collective bargaining, responsible bidder ordinances, project labor agreements, prevailing wage, pensions and the right to organize for better working conditions.
- The graphic above is used with permission from Decatur Labor.
- The Q/A with Decatur Labor was via email. Responses came from Amy Reuff, Chair of their Committee on Political Education (COPE)