Decatur Vote ARCHIVEIllinois
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Decatur Endorsements from Macon County Democrats

Original Report written by Reed Sutman on . Updated .

Macon County Democrats have endorsed several candidates. Macon County Republicans are not endorsing any candidates for Decatur's 2023 election. Bruce Pillsbury, Macon County Republican Chair, says they are not endorsing candidates because municipal elections are traditionally non-partisan, there's good people on both sides, and there's too much politics in doing endorsements.

Macon County Democrats endorse the following candidates:

County Auditor Referendum

Macon County Democrats want you to vote NO, which would KEEP the auditor's position.

Neither Kevin Greenfield (R), County Board Chair, nor Linda Little (R), County Board Vice Chair, responded to our request for comment about the referendum. The email sent to Greenfield and Little asked the following:

1.) Carol Reed (County Auditor) said she thinks the office would continue running, but under a hired financial person, rather than an elected officer. Is this the intent of the County Board? & does the County Board have a candidate in mind?
2.) Do you personally wish to eliminate the elected office, and why?
3.) Anything else you'd like to add?

City Council Endorsements

  • Karl Coleman for City Council src
  • Dennis Cooper for City Council src

School Board Endorsements

  • Hannah Wolfe for School Board src
  • Will Wetzel for School Board src
  • Jacob Jenkins for School Board src

Richland Trustee Endorsements

  • Marcy Rood for Richland Trustee. She is a write-in candidate. src

Details about endorsements

We spoke with Jennifer Ellis, Vice Secretary of Macon County Democrats, and asked "Is there a document further detailing the party's endorsements? Perhaps with reasoning, etc". Ellis responded on Feb 24, 2023:

No, what we did was sent out a link to a questionnaire. We had 5 people respond. From what we heard, it, unfortunately, went to SPAM folders so some may not have seen it. This is the first time the party has done any Endorsements for our county.

So it was a simple process this time. We the endorsement committee went over the responses, at which time we made our recommendations to the Executive committee. Karl Coleman recused himself from any part of the process as he is a candidate. After the committees went over them and discussed them, we brought the vote to the whole body of the party for a vote. That was this past Wed, after some discussion, the nominations were passed.

At this time the endorsement committee is looking how we can improve the process and the questionnaire for the future.

I asked:

Okay, thank you for that. Are you releasing answers to the questionnaire?

Ellis said:

That is something we discussed but before we do that, we are asking for the permission of the candidates. However, we are retaining the responses for our files.

I never received the candidate responses from Ellis.

Additional information

This is an article about the topic 2023 Consolidated Municipal Election.