Decatur Vote ARCHIVEIllinois
This is an archived copy of this web page. Archive created on Apr 11, 2023. The live site is available at

Vote By Mail

Summary written by Reed Sutman on . Updated .

To Vote by Mail, you must request your ballot, fill it out, then mail it to or drop it off at the County Building.

Please read & follow the instructions that came with your ballot.

Get Your Ballot

You can use the Vote By Mail application that was mailed to you, download the application yourself, or request a ballot online.

Mail to

Macon County Clerk
141 S Main St Rm 104
Decatur, IL 62523

Drop Off

There is a Ballot Drop Box outside the County Clerk's Office on Wood Street, or you can deliver it inside the County Building.

Macon County Clerk
141 S Main St Room 119
Decatur, IL 62523


This is an article about the topic 2023 Consolidated Municipal Election.