Decatur Vote ARCHIVEIllinois
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Write-in Candidates FAQ

Original Report written by Reed Sutman on . Updated .

Some offices have a write-in candidate, which will require you to BOTH fill in the bubble AND write the candidate's name correctly. While you should write their name correctly, some errors may still be counted as you intended, depending on the discretion of the election judge.

Note:: In the image above, we added Rood & Albertina. If you vote for either (or both), you'll have to write that on your ballot.

I asked Josh Tanner, Macon County Clerk, some questions about this & here are his answers:

  1. His name is listed as 'Anthony "Tony" Albertina'. Will 'Anthony Albertina' and 'Tony Albertina' work?

That will be up to the Election Judges. Most likely yes.

  1. What about misspellings like 'Tony Albertino' or even something as far off as 'Tony Alberto'?

It is always up to the Election Judges to determine voter intent.

  1. Are there multiple 'write-in' lines, since there are multiple write-in candidates, or can two candidates be listed on one 'write-in' line, or are voters limited to one write-in candidate per office?

If the vote for number is greater than one and there are multiple write in candidates there will be multiple write in lines.

This is an article about the topic 2023 Consolidated Municipal Election.