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Datrice Weathers to bridge disconnect between School Board and community

Original Report written by Reed Sutman on . Updated .

Datrice Weathers is a teacher at Hope Academy in Decatur since November 2021, and is running for Decatur School Board for the 2023 term. She has a sociology degree and enjoys working with people. Her primary focus for the School Board is to increase community engagement. Datrice says she wants "our [School] Board to understand what's taking place in the classroom." She says often times there is a disconnect between Board decisions and the needs of teachers and administrators. She wants to help bridge that gap by going out into the community and talking with families and parents.

She's not strong on budget and policy, saying "when it comes to policies and budgets, there's a lot that I need to learn there. That is not particularly my strength. But my strength is making sure that the community is involved in what is taking place and that they have an understanding."

Datrice is not a Decatur Native, but stressed that Decatur is her home. She moved here in May 2019 with her husband, owns a home, and has been involved in the community. She's volunteered with the Wayfinders program of Old King's Orchard, Juvenile Redeploy with the court system, and continues to volunteer with the Savlation Army. Prior to moving to Decatur, she had 13 years of volunteer experience in Chicago.

She says, while she doesn't have young children in DPS Schools, "I have the time, the dedication, and the commitment as well as the knowledge [to serve on The Board as a] true representative of the people."

Note: Datrice is the source for all claims found in this article.

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