Decatur Vote ARCHIVEIllinois
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Decatur Vote Weekly | March 24th

Meta Report written by Reed Sutman on . Updated .

This week we updated several candidate platforms, published endorsements from three organizations, made progress on our comprehensive Voter's Guide, and a few other minor things.

This is the weekly update from Decatur Vote, which you'll get if you sign up for emails at the bottom of this page.

We learned there is a fourth Richland Trustee Candidate. He is a write-in candidate, and his full name which should be written on your ballot, if you vote for him, is 'Anthony "Tony" Albertina'. Marcy Rood is the other write-in candidate.

We were supposed to publish the Voter's Guide last week, and then this week, and it just keeps taking longer than we hoped. I'm sorry about this, but it is coming.

Candidate Platforms

Each of these pages now has a brief-but-thorough summary of the candidate, and an extended list of information, if you wish to read more.

Each of the summaries will be in the comprehensive voter's guide, which will be published next week.

We have 5 more School Board candidates to write both summaries and comprehensive platforms for, and those will also be included in the comprehensive voter's guide.

Candidate Endorsements

Macon County Democrats endorse Karl Coleman & Dennis Cooper for City Council; Hannah Wolfe, Will Wetzel, and Jacob Jenkins for School Board; and Dems encourage a NO vote on the proposition to eliminate the County Auditor's elected position.

Decatur Labor & Trades Assembly Endorsements endorses Karl Coleman, Dennis Cooper, and Lisa Gregory for City Council; and endorses Jacob Jenkins, Will Wetzel, Hannah Wolfe, and Bill Clevenger for School Board. Note that you only vote for UP TO 3 School Board candidates.

Central Illinois PAC endorses Dennis Cooper, Lisa Gregory, and Pat McDaniel for City Council; and endorses Bill Clevenger, Mark Reynolds, and Hannah Wolfe for School Board.

Other Work

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