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Representing the community | Shelith Hansbro

Original Report written by Reed Sutman on . Updated .

Shelith Hansbro, at an MLK Day Event with a black audience says "I am there to ensure that we are represented. I represent the entire community, City of Decatur, Park District... But I especially have a concern about seniors, about us, and making sure that we are aware of what's there."

Shelith was appointed in August 2022 to fill Matt Whitehead's vacant seat (Matt Whitehead was appointed to fill Jack Kenny's seat). She's the only candidate for Decatur Park Commissioner, 2023.

She's lived in Decatur for 30 years, and is excited about what can happen. She talks a lot about representing the entire community, rather than just kids & families who are likely to come to mind when thinking of parks. She calls to attention the elderly, black folks, and individuals "looking to have a healthier lifestyle"

Shelith says that parks and park programs should be accesseible to everybody.

Shelith has no specific policy goals, though says "We need to be [as] transparent as we can" and go "into the community and ask for their opinions" when formulating policy, budgets, and operational decisions.

She suggests that new parks could be built on newly vacant lots, while highlighting how city, school, and parks can overlap.

"I'm gonna always tell you the truth. I'm gonna always be accesssible. I'm here to represent you," says Shelith Hansbro.

Note: Shelith Hansbro is the source for most claims in this article.


This is an article about the topic Shelith Hansbro.